Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Asthma, diet and breathing | Revista Women's Health

Is there a connection between asthma and diet? Yes What you eat greatly affects both the functioning of their respiratory organs, which affects everything. Consequently, if one is trying to control symptoms and asthma attacks, this is the only factor to seriously consider.

According to medical research, asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs. Furthermore, an asthma attack can be caused by chemicals, air pollutants, pollen, mold, dust, animal dander, foods, exercise and changes in temperature.

However, friends, talking about my experiences with asthma from age 7 until he was about 20, the only factor that I think is the most influential negatively on respiratory health and, in general, is what one consumed.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as ?Breath retention program for asthmatics (asthma),? developed by the Russian Buteyko, the doctor. Within weeks of adhering to their advice, many chronic asthmatic has been able to renounce the use of Ventolin inhalers.

But I never had to use his program, however, in my quest to get rid of acne, I found that dietary change miraculously cured me asthma, halitosis and general lethargy.

Be amazed at what this change in eating habits worked for not one but all of my health challenges, is what I did research and discovered that a program and its still there.

?Well, what is the diet suggestion?? One might ask. In a nutshell, is to give up all processed foods and animal products like meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet, that simple.

Two quotes come to mind in promoting this: ?You are what you eat? and ?Let your food be medicine and your medicine your food?

Now, I ask myself a question: ?What is the main physical issue that occurs during an asthma attack with all the wheezing and coughing?? It is mucus.

All the foods mentioned above are very mucus formation and digestion (if it ever is digested it is), that leave one with a coating of mucus and drool over.

Note that the lungs are the most important excretory organs, when you add the operation of this fact, it shows that consumption of these substances are really just wreaks havoc on the body. Furthermore, from my own experience, do not consume liquids with meals, at any time.

This inhibits digestion by diluting the necessary juices in the stomach designated for that purpose. As a result, prevents much needed expansion of the membrane and thus a contraction of the lungs, the bellows of life giving air that results in wheezing sounds any asthma patient is familiar.

What should one eat a patient with asthma?

However, foods that are exactly the opposite, food or mucus formation not binding mucus. These are simply fruits and vegetables. Make sure they are organic, if possible, or at least not in the list of the ?dirty dozen?, ie the most contaminated with pesticides such as apples, melons, Mexicans, etc.. Grapes ?

Trust me on this, I am speaking from experience, you will do well to keep the fruits of that list when it comes to asthma. However, that still would be better off staying away from foods labeled substances such as mucus formation above.

Other minor factors still come into play in respect to a natural asthma treatment, however, diet is possibly the most controlling factor.

Remember what you eat affects how you breathe ? and what we breathe affects the way you live (asthma and allergies).


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