Thursday, July 28, 2011

List Building,Attraction Marketing?Your Road To Success on The ...

Article by Kathy Kelly

List Building and Attraction Marketing for Online Success is

a specific strategy designed to accomplish a couple things:

1. Enable anyone to generate free leads using online list building.

2. Allow Attraction Marketing to sell your opportunity for you automatically.

This creates significant leverage. Traditional home business prospecting tactics provide no leverage. Phone prospecting provides NO leverage. You can only call so many people one on one each day to make a profit. No leverage. No system.

Attraction Marketing and Online List Building allows you to leverage the power of the internet to use lead capture pages, web sites, autoresponders and email marketing to reach thousands of people each day on autopilot and deliver a simple, professional message whether you?re new or experienced.

3. Make your business immune to competition.

There are millions of other representatives globally marketing thousands of business opportunities like yours. There is a so much competition in your own company and outside of your company that you need to take action to protect yourself.

4. Multiple Income Streams

It?s been shown to be more powerful to be able to use ONE system to make ten times more money for your efforts versus your efforts with just building one company. A system and multiple streams of income vs. one company and their products/services.

You Inc, Just What Is It?

In a typical home based business, people are trying to build a ?downline? and they assume that they are building a business. Building a downline in a network marketingcompany is not a real business. You don?t really own anything. You don?t own any assets. You don?t own any kind of equity in the company, it?s plant, equipment or goodwill. Real businesses allow you to have and own real assets. Most home based businesses however, just position you as a commissioned sales rep.

Your business can be taken away from you by the company at any time. They can virtually strip your database from you because if it?s on their server it?s NOT your property, they can take back all the other distributors in your group and they can forfeit your commissions for a wide variety of reasons. Do you see how this puts you at risk as an entrepreneur? Your entire business isn?t yours and you don?t control anything other than making sales today.

There have been companies who touted that you were building a legacy that could be ?willed to your children?. This has RARELY, if ever happened. If you are NOT constantly building and working your business? your business is dying.

Tomorrow I will present you with how to go about you owning your own business online without the threat of a company taking away all your efforts of building their business for them?stay tuned?Kathy Kelly

About the Author

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