Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What on Earth Happened to BlackBerry?

First, a confession: I haven't used the BlackBerry PlayBook yet. The seven-inch tablet computer is scheduled to go on sale next week, and I hope to get my hands on one soon. This, then, is not a product review. It's more like a eulogy, or perhaps an autopsy, for a company circling the drain. Reviewers who have gotten early access to the PlayBook have been almost universally puzzled by how half-baked it is. In its current form, the PlayBook doesn't include any apps to access your email, calendar and address book. To get those things, you've got to have a BlackBerry phone, too. The PlayBook pairs with the phone, and gives you access to the phone's e-mail, calendar, and address book. Does this sound insane? It is. The PlayBook doesn't have many other apps, either. And even a few days before launch, the company is still making frequent, major updates to the tablet's software.


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