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Rebuilding Together North Central Florida celebrated the completion of a community project in Alachua County to assist a local family with their handicapped son.
The project was dedicated to renovating the family home of Doris Tellado, Jose Jimenez and their two children Alejandro and Gabriel, who relies on a wheelchair for mobility.
RD Bonner, executive director of Rebuilding Together, said the organization focuses on repairing anything keeping a family from being safe or healthy in their home.
The family struggled to provide accessibility needs for their son and through this project those needs were addressed, he said. Tight corners and narrow doorways were widened, Bonner said, helping not only the son but the rest of the family.
Rebuilding Together partnered with Charles Perry Partners, Inc. to work on the project, which took about a year to complete, Bonner said.
A complete addition was built onto the family?s house, including a wheelchair-friendly bathroom and wheel tracks throughout the house for wheelchair accessibility.
?Through Charles Perry they were able to install a track system that has totally changed the lives of this family,? Bonner said. ?Gabriel can now get everywhere he needs to be safely, and we just feel great about that.?
Bonner said the project is part of a year0round effort to fill the need for home repair in North Central Florida, including several projects that are lined up for April. Community residents wanting to get involved are encouraged to visit Rebuilding Together?s website.
Rebekah Geier edited this story online.
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Journalist and author Emily Anthes talks about her new book, Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts
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Journalist and author Emily Anthes talks about her new book, Frankenstein?s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech?s Brave New Beasts.
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Technology has given people unparalleled opportunities to socially connect and share information. It is not, however, normally associated with improving one?s physical health. Many spend hours ?plugged in? to their tech toys, preferring to stare at a screen than spend time on exercise and outdoor activities.
An apple a day ? With a background in health studies, Harsh Vathsangam has come up with an effective way to encourage exercise. ? Courtesy of Harsh Vathsangam
Despite this, technology does not have to work against one?s personal well-being. USC doctoral candidate Harshvardhan Vathsangam seeks to harness technology to encourage people to get moving and lead healthier lives through his app.
MeasureMe, Vathsangam?s budding company, has developed a smart and social software-based pedometer and calorie counter that uses the sensors in smartphones to characterize and quantify human movement.
MeasureMe is unlike applications such as Fitbit or Nike+ Fuelband, which burn through a phone?s battery life, making the apps frustrating for some users. Instead, MeasureMe utilizes the sensors in the phone, rather than GPS or any external sensing technique, which means a user can save 10 times as much power on their phone.
?MeasureMe has the potential to greatly improve [ease of use] and brings cost-effective activity monitoring into the pocket of every user,? Vathsangam said.
Vathsangam, who collaborated with Gaurav S. Sukhatme, a professor of computer science at USC who serves as the chair of the Department of Computer Science, has had plenty of experience melding health and technology.
Vathsangam spent four years studying on-body sensing and personal health and previously developed three generations of prototype hardware, building up the data-driven algorithmic framework to bring the product to its current level.
Vathsangam said his ultimate goal when designing his app was to change the way people behave in accordance to physical activity.
In Vathsangam and Sukhatme?s opinion, there are three ways to effectively change people?s behaviors. First, Vathsangam said it is important to correct behavior in real time so that one is conscious of when they revert to bad habits. The second, just as important, is to receive pressure from loved ones.
?When someone feels pressure from people he or she cares about, they are more likely to change his or her behavior in order to receive approval from them,? Vathsangam said.
The third way is by tailoring the application to meet the expectations of each individual.
?There was never a tool to tailor it to specific people until the invention of cell phones,? Vathsangam said. ?Everyone has a cell phone, therefore everyone can receive personalized information in order to change their behavior.?
To achieve this, the student-professor team programmed the application to use the power of big data to motivate the user to become more active. The application sends notifications to the user?s cell phone, reminding the user to meet his or her daily goal of exercise.
MeasureMe?s app also encourages friendly competition among users of the app. Users can check on the progress of friends to see how they are doing and keep them inspired.
The chat feature on the application also allows users to send messages back and forth about their exercise for the day.
It?s easy to get lost in the technical bells and whistles of the app, but Vathsangam stressed that at the end of the day, the app is not about the numbers.
?The application allows people to collaborate and encourages competition between friends,? Vathsangam said. ?We want to make it an interactive experience for users.
The purpose of this application was to create a social platform that builds off data that people generate in real time in order to induce lifestyle changes.?
The application is in beta right now, but Vathsangam said that his app will be released this summer in mid-May.
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WASHINGTON, March 12, 2013 (AFP)
The US Secret Service launched an investigation Tuesday after hackers posted what they said was personal data and credit information of celebrities including first lady Michelle Obama online.
The probe was opened over files which included personal information purportedly from FBI chief Robert Mueller, Vice President Joe Biden, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and celebrities Beyonce and Jay-Z.
?We are investigating, but we will not comment due to? an ongoing investigation,? said Secret Service spokesman Max Milien.
The website, which was first reported by TMZ, posted what appeared to be reports from leading credit ratings agencies along with personal financial information and social security numbers.
Attorney General Eric Holder and celebrities including Britney Spears, Mel Gibson and Ashton Kutcher were also among those affected.
The White House declined to answer questions about the report and credit rating agencies involved ? Transunion, Equifax, Experian ? did not immediately comment.
The Secret Service, along with its duties in protecting the US president and his family, is also involved in investigations of financial fraud and counterfeiting.
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VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The monks at the convent of St. Francis in Assisi were overjoyed on Wednesday when Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected and decided to be the first pontiff in Catholic history to take the name Francis.
"For us in the Basilica in Assisi that holds the body (of St. Francis, this choice (of a name) prompted a surge of admiration ...," said Father Mauro Gambetti, the abbot of the monastery.
St. Francis still points to the path of humility and evangelical simplicity ... the path that the new pope indicated in his first words addressed to the Church," he said.
"That Church, which for St. Francis is the face of tenderness, is ready to encounter every man and recognize him as a brother. That is the face of tenderness that we saw in Pope Francis," he said.
St. Francis, who died in 1226, is associated with peace and simplicity. He relinquished his earthly goods and lived a life of poverty and simplicity.
He was the founder of the Franciscan order of priests and nuns, who run schools, hospitals and charities around the world.
(Reporting By Philip Pullella; editing by Keith Weir)
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday accused the Taliban and the U.S. of working in concert to convince Afghans that violence will worsen if most foreign troops leave ? an allegation the top American commander in Afghanistan rejected as "categorically false."
Karzai said two suicide bombings that killed 19 people on Saturday ? one outside the Afghan Defense Ministry and the other near a police checkpoint in eastern Khost province ? show the insurgent group is conducting attacks to demonstrate that international forces will still be needed to keep the peace after their current combat mission ends in 2014.
"The explosions in Kabul and Khost yesterday showed that they are at the service of America and at the service of this phrase: 2014. They are trying to frighten us into thinking that if the foreigners are not in Afghanistan, we would be facing these sorts of incidents," he said during a nationally televised speech about the state of Afghan women.
Karzai is known for making incendiary comments in his public speeches, a tactic that is often attributed to him trying to appeal to Taliban sympathizers or to gain leverage when he feels his international allies are ignoring his country's sovereignty. In previous speeches, he has threatened to join the Taliban and called his NATO allies occupiers who want to plunder Afghanistan's resources.
U.S. and NATO forces commander Gen. Joseph Dunford said Karzai had never expressed such views to him, but said it was understandable that tensions would arise as the coalition balances the need to complete its mission and the Afghans' move to exercise more sovereignty.
"We have fought too hard over the past 12 years, we have shed too much blood over the last 12 years, to ever think that violence or instability would be to our advantage," Dunford said.
Karzai also denounced the arrest of a university student Saturday by Afghan forces his aide said were working for the CIA. It was unclear why the student was detained.
Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi said in an interview with The Associated Press that the CIA freed the student after Karzai's staff intervened, but that Karzai wants the alleged Afghan raiders arrested. The president issued a decree on Sunday banning all international forces and the Afghans working with them from entering universities and schools without Afghan government permission.
The Karzai government's latest comments and actions come as it negotiates a pact with the U.S. for the long-term presence of American forces in Afghanistan and just days after an agreement to transfer a U.S. prison outside of Kabul to Afghan authority fell through. They also came during U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's first visit to Afghanistan since becoming the Pentagon chief, a trip made in part to meet with Karzai. Hours after Karzai's speech, their joint news conference was canceled by officials citing security concerns, though officials said the two men still planned to meet privately.
Karzai said in his speech that any foreign powers that want to keep troops in Afghanistan need to do so under conditions set forward by Afghanistan.
"We will tell them where we need them, and under which conditions. They must respect our laws. They must respect the national sovereignty of our country and must respect all our customs," Karzai said.
Karzai offered no proof of coordination, but said the Taliban and the United States were in "daily negotiations" in various foreign countries and noted that the United States has said that it no longer considers the insurgent group its enemy. The U.S. continues to fight against the Taliban and other militant groups, but has expressed its backing for formal peace talks with the Taliban to find a political resolution to the war.
Karzai said he did not believe the Taliban's claim that they launched Saturday's attacks to show they are still a potent force fighting the United States. "Yesterday's explosions, which the Taliban claimed, show that in reality they are saying they want the presence of foreigners in Afghanistan," Karzai said.
In the incident at the Kandahar university Saturday, presidential spokesman Faizi said the raiders fired shots as they grabbed student Abdul Qayoum, and blindfolded him before taking him for interrogation at a CIA post that Taliban leader Mullah Omar once used as a home.
The CIA could not be reached for comment.
The CIA has trained an Afghan counterterrorist force several thousand strong, known as the Counterterrorism Pursuit Team, which works mostly in insurgent strongholds in southern and eastern Afghanistan. U.S. officials say they work in concert with the Afghan intelligence service, but Karzai frequently complains he lacks oversight over their operations.
Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Heidi Vogt contributed to this report from Kabul.
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Mar. 11, 2013 ? In recent work, biology professor Kim Lewis and senior scientist Iris Keren demonstrate that all antibiotics are not created equal. Photo by Mary Knox Merrill.
In recent years, a body of pub?li?ca?tions in the micro?bi?ology field has chal?lenged all pre?vious knowl?edge of how antibi?otics kill bac?teria. "A slew of papers came out studying this phe?nom?enon, sug?gesting that there is a gen?eral mech?a?nism of killing by antibi?otics," said Kim Lewis, Uni?ver?sity Dis?tin?guished Pro?fessor in the Depart?ment of Biology and director of Northeastern's Antimi?cro?bial Dis?covery Center.
The stan?dard thinking at the time was that the three main classes of bac?te?ri?cidal antibi?otics each had a unique way of killing bac?te?rial cells -- like spe?cial?ized assas?sins each trained in a single type of weaponry. But this new research sug?gested that all antibi?otics work the same way, by urging bac?te?rial cells to make com?pounds called reac?tive oxygen species, or ROS, which bac?teria are nat?u?rally sus?cep?tible to.
"If they were right it would have been an impor?tant finding that could have changed the way we treat patients," said Iris Keren, a senior sci?en?tist in Lewis' lab.
And that's exactly how sci?ence usu?ally works, said Lewis -- through chal?lenges to main?stream thinking. But recent results reported by Lewis, Keren, and their research part?ners in an article pub?lished Friday in the journal Sci?ence sug?gest that this alter?na?tive hypoth?esis doesn't hold up. For example, even bac?teria that are inca?pable of making ROS are still vul?ner?able to antibi?otics. Fur?ther, some antibi?otics can work their fatal magic in both aer?obic and anaer?obic conditions -- but reac?tive oxygen species can only form when there's oxygen to fuel them.
"We chose to do the sim?plest and most crit?ical exper?i?ment aimed at fal?si?fying this hypoth?esis," said Lewis. "Killing by antibi?otics is unre?lated to ROS pro?duc?tion," the authors wrote. The find?ings were cor?rob?o?rated by Uni?ver?sity of Illi?nois researchers in another study released on Friday .
The team treated bac?te?rial cul?tures with antibi?otics in both the pres?ence and absence of oxygen. Other than the gaseous envi?ron?ment, the two treat?ments were iden?tical. There was no dif?fer?ence in cell death between the two populations.
Before per?forming these exper?i?ments, Lewis' team first looked at sig?nals of a flu?o?res?cent dye, which pre?vious researchers had used as an indi?cator for ROS levels. The team treated bac?te?rial cells with a variety of antibi?otics and mea?sured the strength of this signal. Since antibi?otics were pre?sumed to increase ROS levels, one would have expected increased con?cen?tra?tions of antibi?otics to cor?re?late with stronger sig?nals. How?ever, Lewis' group saw no such correlation.
"But there's a dif?fer?ence between cor?re?la?tion and direct obser?va?tion," Keren said. In order to sup?port their obser?va?tions with unequiv?ocal data, the team mem?bers phys?i?cally sep?a?rated the cells that had stronger flu?o?res?cent sig?nals from those with weak sig?nals and treated them both with the same antibi?otics. Both pop?u?la?tions suf?fered equiv?a?lent cell death.
"The research from Dr. Lewis' group demon?strates that, con?trary to cur?rent dogma, antibi?otics appar?ently do not kill bac?teria through induc?tion of reac?tive oxygen species," said Steven Projan, vice pres?i?dent for research and devel?op?ment at iMed and head of Infec?tious Dis?eases and Vac?cines at Med?Im?mune, both sub?sidiaries of AstraZeneca. "The results shown are rather clear but still leave us with the mys?tery as to how antibac?te?rial drugs help infected people clear bac?te?rial infections. At this point, we should prob?ably dis?pense with the 'one size fits all' approach to bac?te?rial killing by antibi?otics," said Projan, who was not involved in the research.
With these results, Lewis and Keren hope the field will be able to focus its efforts on under?standing the true mech?a?nisms of how antibi?otics wipe out bac?teria in order to effec?tively address chronic bac?te?rial infec?tions, one of the most pressing issues facing public health today.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Northeastern University College of Science. The original article was written by Angela Herring.
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Singer D'Angelo, left, performs with Wendy Melvoin, Maya Rudolph and Gretchen Lieberum at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Singer D'Angelo, left, performs with Wendy Melvoin, Maya Rudolph and Gretchen Lieberum at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Actress Maya Rudolph, left and singer Gretchen Lieberum perform at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Musician Mike Scott of The Waterboys performs at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Actress and singer Sandra Bernhard performs at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Singer Nina Persson from "The Cardigans" performs at "The Music of Prince" tribute concert at Carnegie Hall on Thursday March 7, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
NEW YORK (AP) ? They partied like it was 1999 ? the audience and the musicians ? at a Prince tribute concert at Carnegie Hall.
More than 20 performers, including Elvis Costello, The Roots and the Waterboys, paid tribute to the pop icon in a two-hour-plus concert Thursday night. They all joined together onstage to close the show with "1999."
Singer D'Angelo took the lead while putting his arm around Bettye LaVette, Chris Rock and Costello clapped hands side-by-side, and comedian-actress-singers Maya Rudolph and Sandra Bernhard danced in a silly manner ? all while the crowd cheered on.
Many of the performers got into character as they sang signature Prince tunes. Soul singer Bilal was wild on "Sister," singing in various tones like a mad man and thrilling the crowd. Bernhard, in her leather pants, shimmery shirt and shiny shoes, impressed on "Little Red Corvette" as she skipped around onstage and belted high notes. And singer-songwriter Kat Edmonson captured the audience with "The Beautiful Ones," standing still and singing with only a pianist onstage.
It was one of the only times The Roots weren't backing up other performers throughout the concert, which raised $100,000 for music education programs.
Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson jammed on the drums and even took photos of a pregnant Rudolph when she danced with one hand on her belly and the other stroking her hair. Rudolph, who sings Prince covers under the moniker PRINCEss with Gretchen Lieberum, screeched on "Darling Nikki" and didn't slow down while performing choreography in heels.
Few words were said to the audience, though Rock thanked the crowd "for coming" toward the end of the show.
He impersonated Prince, too, when reciting the lyrics to "If I Was Your Girlfriend" with sass. Comedian-actor Fred Armisen took on many roles: He recited lyrics from "Let's Go Crazy," played the drums while the Blind Boys of Alabama sang "The Cross" and offered light vocals during "It's Going to Be a Beautiful Night" alongside D'Angelo.
Most of the musicians wore black onstage, though LaVette rocked a purple blazer while singing "Kiss." Other performers included Eric Leeds, Nina Persson and Talib Kweli. Wendy Melvoin of the Revolution played guitar throughout the night, while St. Paul Peterson and Susannah Melvoin ? dancing wildly in a white suit ? performed "High Fashion/Mutiny."
Husband-and-wife Citizen Cope and Alice Smith sang a duet version of "Pop Life" and Booker T. Jones was joined by singer Diane Birch and members of the Young Audiences New York Youth Choir for "Raspberry Beret."
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Apple has won another case?? this time in a UK court ? in its ongoing spat with Samsung over the use of Standard Essential Patents in its products.
Judge Christopher Floyd ruled in a London court on Wednesday that Apple's products do not infringe Samsung's patents around the ability to send and receive information from a device over a 3G network.
"We are disappointed by the court's decision. Upon a thorough review of the judgment, we will decide whether to file an appeal. For decades, we have heavily invested in pioneering the development of technological innovations in the mobile industry, which have been constantly reflected in our products," a Samsung spokeswoman said in a statement.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment on the verdict.
According to the ruling, Samsung's assertion that Apple products infringe on a Standard Essential Patent the South Korean manufacturer holds have been invalidated, which doesn't bode well for Samsung's hopes of claiming nearly 2.5 percent royalties on sales of Apple's 3G-capable devices.
"On a worldwide basis Apple has now fended off 24 assertions of Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs) by Samsung. Samsung prevailed only on three such patents, two of them in Korea," Florian Mueller, a software patents expert, told ZDNet.
"With every win Apple scores, Samsung's demand for a 2.4 percent royalty on Apple's sales of 3G-capable products looks more ridiculous," he added.
The wide-ranging legal battles between the two companies started in 2011 with Apple suing Samsung in the US for alleged IP infringments across the design, user interface, patents and trademarks. Since then, the legal wrangling has spread around the globe and has seen cases played out in South Korea, Japan, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and the UK.
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama told American Jewish leaders Thursday that near-term prospects for Mideast peace may be bleak, but a deal with the Palestinians remains the only way for Israel to achieve long-term security.
Obama said he has no intention of delivering a "grand peace plan" when he travels to the Mideast later this month, downplaying expectations for a breakthrough on his highly anticipated visit to Israel and the West Bank. However, he said that doesn't preclude him from launching such an effort in the coming months, according to a person who attended the hourlong private White House meeting.
The White House has not publicly announced the dates for the president's trip, though Israeli news media have reported he will arrive on March 20. Obama will also make stops in Ramallah and Jordan.
In his meeting Thursday, Obama acknowledged that he would be visiting Israel during a difficult political period for the U.S. ally. Elections in January weakened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has since struggled to form a coalition government.
Netanyahu recently asked Israeli President Shimon Peres for a two-week extension to build the coalition, putting his new deadline just ahead of Obama's expected arrival in Israel.
The president said pursuing sweeping peace talks now would be premature, given that Israel is still working to form a new government. He also said he wanted to avoid the appearing as though he was favoring any one political party, according to the person in attendance, who was not authorized to discuss the gathering publicly and requested anonymity.
Obama sought to restart peace talks in 2011, but the effort collapsed within weeks. Palestinians refuse to resume negotiations unless Israel stops building settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Netanyahu says talks should resume without any preconditions, and he has even allowed stepped-up construction in the territories since the United Nations moved to recognize a de facto state of Palestine in November.
The White House did not put the meeting with Jewish leaders on the president's public schedule. A White House official later said Obama sought input from the leaders on his trip and underscored that it would be an opportunity for him to speak directly to the Israeli people.
National Jewish Democratic Council chairman Marc Stanley was among those who attended Thursday's meeting. He said Obama reiterated his "unshakeable support for Israel and explained that his upcoming trip will be focused on discussing with his Israeli counterparts the critical issues facing the Jewish state, including Iran, the peace process, and Syria."
In addition to his meetings with Netanyahu, Obama will also hold talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas while in the region. He told the Jewish leaders Thursday that he would emphasize to Abbas that peace remains possible, though very difficult given the current climate in the region.
While in Israel, Obama is also expected to note that Israel's proximity in an increasingly dangerous region, given the instability in Syria and the potential nuclear threat from Iran. He'll likely reiterate that all options, including military force, remain on the table when it comes to dealing with Iran, while also touting the impact of strident economic sanctions.
Follow Julie Pace on Twitter at
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With the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez comes the inevitable chatter about his legacy: Who will take over in light of the power vacuum left behind by the charismatic leader? But given that we cover many chefs and restaurateurs who advocate for the same goals as Chavez ? we have a very different question: what should we take away from his attempts to turn Venezuela?s food system into one that was local, sustainable, and affordable? (Any follower of food media should instantly recognize those three buzzwords.)
And why is it that, despite these promises and policies, a nation that should be flush with oil cash imports nearly 70% of its food and is currently facing massive food shortages, inflated prices, and decreased agricultural production?
Upon electing Chavez in 1998, Venezuela had one of the highest levels of nutrition inequality in the world. ?Food sovereignty,? part of an international movement demanding that states both recognize the human right to food and become self-sufficient producers to address that need, became a key part of Chavez? domestic platform and, indeed, central to his populist appeal.
Many of his policies might sound familiar to sustainable farming advocates in the United States: shifting agricultural production from industrial-scale farming corporations to smaller businesses operated by local farmers, lowering prices on food, and sponsoring government-run markets. However, under Chavez?s control, many of these policies saw disastrous results ? and increased the amount spent on food imports tenfold since the beginning of his administration. Now the world gets something of a Mulligan, a chance to try some of these again. In the interest of memorializing the polarizing leader, and something of a ?don?t try this at home? to the rest of us, let?s examine how Chavez executed these policies, one by one:
The Chavez land redistribution policy is Alice Waters?s dream come true: in 2009, the Bolivarian government announced that they would forcibly dismantle all large haciendas, or industrial farms, break them up, and parcel them out to peasants wishing to farm. (Small farmers, hooray?) Not only did the amount of land used for agriculture increase (imagine if all of New Jersey were farmland), so did the production of fruits and vegetables?but at the expense of staples, like beef, rice, sugarcane, and milk, the production of which has fallen dramatically.
Moreover, as the Washington Post extensively reports, the farmers who took over the large farms lacked the??government support to thrive:
?C?sar Alviares, 50, who also supports Ch?vez, said he is barely getting by raising a few cows and chickens. The crops he tried to grow all failed, he said, because he never received credit or technical help to control flooding. ?I put in two hectares of yucca plants ? the water came and finished them off,? he said. ?I put in a hectare of bananas ? the water came and finished them off. The corn, all of it. So in the end, I just have pasture.?
Nor, apparently, does the government know much about agriculture:
Already, the state?s land agency has taken a portion of the 2,300-acre farm, uprooting cane and preparing the soil for corn. ?This isn?t land for corn,? [Farm owner] Victor Lecuna said, sounding exasperated. ?In this region, corn has never been planted.?
Even the hundreds of government-financed urban farms are unpopular. Critics claim that the money plowed into organic urban farming is doing little to address the fact that ever since the reappropriation, farmable land has dropped by 7.8% and overall agricultural production is down by 0.6%, according to Al-Jazeera.
Making Food Affordable
Chavez saw our nation?s government food subsidies and raised us some artificially capped food prices, preventing prices from rising in response to market demands. However, the price caps themselves ? extending beyond twelve everyday staples in 2009 to some 15,000 items in 2011 ? wreaked havoc on food suppliers and distributors, as the government started monitoring them, and occasionally seizing control. As the Economist reports:
Empresas Polar, a family-owned giant that is Venezuela?s biggest private food-and-drink company [and] claims to generate almost 3% of the country?s non-oil GDP and has 19,000 employees, complains of harassment. It says its plants and offices were visited 220 times by government inspectors in the first five months of this year. In late May, the government confiscated 114 tonnes of food from a Polar warehouse, alleging hoarding (which the company denies).
Even without the alleged harassment, the artificial controls on price still led to a 27.6% inflation rate last year ? one of the highest in the world ? and massive food shortages. Last year, the New York Times reported on how the very policies meant to help working-class Venezuelans had, in fact, begun to harm them:
Some residents arrange their calendars around the once-a-week deliveries made to government-subsidized stores like this one, lining up before dawn to buy a single frozen chicken before the stock runs out. Or a couple of bags of flour. Or a bottle of cooking oil?
Asked where a shopper could get milk on a day when that, too, was out of stock, a manager said with sarcasm, ?At Ch?vez?s house.?
One odd side effect: the fact that flour, oil and meat is subsidized has led to growing obesity rates. ?Prices of fruits and vegetables are free to rise and are out of the reach of many,? Carlos Machado, an agriculture professor at the Caracas-based IESA graduate school,?told USA Today. ?So people stock up on sugars and carbohydrates, whose prices are frozen.? Gee, that problem epidemic sounds familiar.
Government-subsidized markets
It?s not hard to cap prices on food at all when you?re Hugo Chavez, but it gets even easier once you?ve created your very own state-run supermarkets to feed people after all the food corporations go on strike to protest your anti-business policies. For instance,?Mercal, which was started in response to these riots, has over 16,600 outlets selling groceries at an up to 40% discount, and became very popular among the working class. ?But thanks to a consumer protection law, Chavez retained the power to expropriate any company if he felt it necessary for national interest ? and he did so often, in the hopes of creating ?socialist megastores?, selling food and other items with no markup.
A viable model for the US?
For better or for worse, Chavez was one of the first visible world leaders to address food inequality on a large scale and his goal of ensuring that the least fortunate members of society have access to affordable, healthy food was, really, a noble one. To a certain extent, the US already implemented some of his policies, and to similar results: for instance, much like Venezuela, we have price controls on our grains, cooking oil, and beef, to the point that they?re some of our cheapest calorie sources (and, like Venezuela, have led to obesity). Perhaps the legacy he?ll leave behind is that good intent isn?t enough when lives hang in the balance?and that equality cannot exist in any form, if the entire system is broken.
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Beirut Circle S.A.L is Lebanon?s first and only loyalty card that aims to boost the economic cycle heavily by pulling in thousands of new customers to service providers.
Beirut Circle is the joint effort of several Lebanese entrepreneurs, represented by CEO Maher Nassar?and GM Patrick Helou, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Tourism and the A&B class Entertainment venues in Lebanon (Hotels, Restaurants, Nightlife, Entertainment, Beaches, Beauty Centers &?Spas). Check out the amazing offers they have and be sure to enjoy each and everyone of them.
Phone: 9614533331 / 96171533331 / 9613451695
Address: Mansourieh- old road- Municipality street
Offer:? Buy Two for the Price of One ? Full Coiffure package (Cut & Shaving)
Get 50% Discount on Full coiffure Package (Cut & Shaving)
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Package (Hair Cut + Shaving + 1 hour Massage + Facial)
Get 50% Discount on the Package (Hair Cut + Shaving + 1 hour Massage + Facial)
Phone: 9611644442
Address: Sodeco- Independance str- -Polaris Showroom
Offer: Benefit from 5% Discount on ATV and Snowmobile Purchase
Phone: 9611322883 / 9613444503
Address: Ashrafieh ? Park bldg B
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Drainage For Cellulit (Manual)
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Hair Removal (Lazer + IPL)
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Photo Rejuvenation
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Stretch Mark Remover
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Nail Bar (Pedi & Mani Sessions)
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Treatment Sessions for Neck Pain
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Treatment Sessions for Shoulder
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Treatment Sessions for Knee
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Urinary Dysfunction Sessions
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Sexual Impotence Sessiona
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Premature Ejaculations Sessions
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Dyspareunia Sessions
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Menstrual Pain Session
Phone: 9613927132 / 9611499445
Address: Sin el Fil ? Charles de gaule str- ? Centre Tayyar ? Block C ? 4th Floor
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Consultation
Phone: 9611566636 / 9613111621
Address: Gemmayze- Gouraud str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Any Platter
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Shisha
Phone: 9611576000 / 9613678741
Address: Tabaris- Lebanon?s Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Any Regular Drink
Buy Two for the Price of One ? Any Salads Or Sandwiches
Phone: 96171005922
Address: Batroun ? Rachana
Offer: Buy Four for the Price of Three ? Formula
Phone: 96176575761
Address: Hamra ? Cairo str. ? Salamoun bldg ? 1st floor
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Spanish Courses
Phone:? 9614960111 / 9613111471
Address:? Broumana ? Main str.
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9614983075 / 9613231863
Address:? Bikfaya ? Main Road
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Any Platter
Phone: 9611573888
Address:? Beirut ? Downtown ? Harbor Highway ? Charles Helou Ave
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Bottles of Champagne Or Double Black Bottles
Phone: 9611991200
Address:? Beirut ? Solidere ? Syria Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9611991200
Address:? Beirut ? Solidere ? Syria Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Room Night
Phone: 9611371122
Address:? Beirut ? Kennedy str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9611371122
Address:? Beirut ? Kennedy str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Room Night
Phone: 9614862000
Address:? Broumana ? Chahine Achkar Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9614862000
Address:? Broumana ? Chahine Achkar Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Room Night
Phone: 9613838472 / 9611570118
Address:? Mar Mekhael ? Armenia str- ? Facing SEAT Dealership
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Regular or Premium Drink
Phone: 9611740540 / 96176329279
Address:? Hamra ? makdessi str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course or Drink
Phone: 9611742841
Address:? Hamra ? Wardieh str.
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Any Regular Drink Or Main Course
Phone: 96176738361 / 96176663577
Address:? Mansourieh ? Maydaa Center ? Facing Med Bank
Offer: Buy Any Birthday Cake and Get 20% Discount
Phone: 9618540011 / 9613945115
Address:? Chtaura ? Bekaa
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Regular Drink
Phone: 9618540011 / 9613945115
Address:? Chtaura ? Bekaa
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Pool Entrance
Phone: 9618540011
Address:? Chtaura ? Bekaa
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9618540011 / 9613945115
Address:? Chtaura ? Bekaa
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Book one Night ? Available Rate
Phone: 9619910930 / 96171910930 / 9611584638 / 9613140094
Address:? Jounieh ? Sea Side
Offer: Buy Four For the Price of Three ? Premium Sea Food Mezza Formula
Phone: 9619910930 / 96171910930 / 9611584638 / 9613140094
Address:? Jounieh ? Near Versailles Center ? Hotel La Forge bldg
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Regular Drink
Phone: 9618820308 / 96170860115
Address:? Zahle ? Ksara / Jounieh ? Main Road ? Maameltain
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9613931363
Address:? Sanayeh ? Roma Str-
Offer: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9614721013
Address:? Jal el Dib- Sea side
Offer: Buy Two for the price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 9614721013
Address:? Jal el Dib- Sea side
Offer: Two for the price of One ? Regular or Premium Bottles
Phone: 9613603049
Address:? Bikfaya ? Main Road
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Monthly Subscription (Aerobics -Zumba ? Salsa -? JU JITSU- -Parkour ? Gymnastics ? Basketball -? Badminton)
Phone: 9613931363
Address:? Sanayeh ? Roma Str-
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One -? Drinks
Phone: 9613546359 / 96176086089
Address:? Ain Saade ? Main Road ? Facing Trust Lebanon Office
Offer: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Any Regular Drink Or Regular Bottle
Phone: 9613817028
Address:? Mansourieh Highway ? Mary Wakm Center
Offer: Buy Two for te Price of One ? Kids Playground entrance
Phone: 96170763838
Address:? Zahle ? Main Road
Offers: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Formula Meal
Phone: 96170137010 / 9618818656
Address:? Zahle Blvd
Offers: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 96170173613
Address:? Hawch al Umara ? Faced Stargate
Offers: Buy Two For the Price of One ? Main Course
Phone: 96171918915 / 96170151584
Address:? Kaslik ? Espace 2000 str- ? Sushi Samurai
Offers: Buy any Samurai Set Menu & Get Samurai Mix Platter of 15 pcs
Phone: 9619760077 / 9619760078 / 9613619121
Address:? St. Charbel- Main road
Offers: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Mashawi Platter å la Carte or Buy Four for the Price of Three Formula Meal
Phone: 9619760077 / 9619760078 / 9613619121
Address:? St. Charbel- Main road
Offers: Buy Two for the Price of One ? Room Night
Phone: 9619262930 / 9613964120
Address:? Main Road- Facing United Gaz Station
Offers: Buy Two for the Price of One ? B.B.Q or Platters or Pizzas
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Two weeks ago we wrote about the slim pickings for NFL teams desiring an upgrade at quarterback -- via the draft, trade or free agency.
Things aren't much better at wide receiver. At least in free agency.
And, thanks to the Kansas City Chiefs, the price just went up for the few gems expected to become available when the marketplace opens next Tuesday.
On Monday the Chiefs re-signed Dwayne Bowe to a five-year, $56-million deal. Only Calvin Johnson and Larry Fitzgerald earn more among NFL wideouts.
Yeah, the Chiefs over-paid. Experts on Tuesday figured the 6-foot-2, 221-pound, six-year man would not have made that much on the open market.
So now the top pending unrestricted free agents are Pittsburgh's Mike Wallace (who had a sub-par year after holding out until the end of training camp), Green Bay's Greg Jennings (who missed half the 2012 season with an abdominal-muscle injury) and St. Louis' Danny Amendola (who battled a shoulder injury, but otherwise was a sure-handed, elusive slot).
It's possible that New England might not re-sign Wes Welker by Tuesday, but don't count on that. Tom Brady didn't leave money on the table when he re-inked last week to watch Wes walk. (Say that five times fast.)
Who else will be available? San Francisco's Randy Moss. Maybe Miami's Brian Hartline, Indy's Donnie Avery ...
Wallace might make a killing, attitude and all. He's one of the NFL's best deep threats, and only about two-thirds of the league desperately needs one. Gregg Rosenthal of rates Wallace as the No. 1 overall free agent.
Amendola is under-regarded and might also score huge bucks.
As for the 29-year-old Jennings, who has missed a third of Green Bay's games the past two seasons with assorted injuries, former Bills and Colts GM Bill Polian might have said it best Tuesday.
"There are clubs, and we were one of them, that said if a guy's 27 years of age or above, we're probably not going to go for a long-term deal at big money. But if you feel you're one quality receiver away, and the physical exam turns out to be OK, you might do it."
For the first time this year, agents are allowed to begin talking with other teams three days before their clients become free agents. That is, on Saturday.
Bus Cook, Wallace's agent, better be sure to plug in his cellphone before he goes to be Friday night.
Linebacker James Harrison and the Pittsburgh Steelers are "talking" and "both sides want to try to" restructure his contract, Harrison's agent, Bill Parise, as much told Ed Bouchette of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Otherwise, the 34-year-old Harrison likely will become a cap casualty, as he's set to earn $14.145 million over the next two years.
This is why back-loading contracts is dangerous country for players -- and why their agents fight so hard for huge guarantees.
TEEEEE'OOOOOO!!!!!!: Think Manti Te'o won't get the gears from his NFL teammates? Houston Texans defensive end Antonio Smith spelled it out on the Pro Football Talk TV show.
"Our locker room is full of clowns and, oh man, people would kill him," said Smith, the unrivalled leader of that pack on the Texans. "I mean, he would be the butt of every joke for at least two, three years."
Lucky for Te'o, the Texans aren't in the market for an inside linebacker late in the first round, when the Notre Damer is expected to go.
The youth movement continues on the Buffalo Bills defence. Veteran edge rusher Shawne Merriman called it a career Tuesday, releasing the news on his own website. With Chris Kelsay doing likewise last week, it seems even more likely the Bills will re-sign defensive end Kyle Moore.
Meantime, Bills GM Buddy Nix reiterated to AP's John Wawrow that QB Ryan Fitzpatrick would be the first to know if the club intends to ask him to eat a large chunk of his remaining $34-million contract (excluding bonuses).
Head coach Chip Kelly likes his dual-threat quarterbacks, all right. The Philadelphia Eagles have signed G.J. Kinne to a two-year contract. As an undrafted rookie last spring, Kinne had a cup-of-coffee tryout with the New York Jets, was waived before training camp and then briefly suited up in the UFL (Omaha) and Arena Football League (San Antonio). The 6-foot-2, 234-pound Kinne played his college ball in -- you guessed it -- a zone-read spread offence at Tulsa, where he passed for 9,472 yards and ran for 1,359.
The Chiefs restructured the contract of defensive end Tyson Jackson "? Vince Young is still desperate to latch on with an NFL team. He's back at the University of Texas, where at that school's pro day on March 26 he'll throw for league talent evaluators "? At Northern Iowa's pro day Monday, wide receiver Terrell Sinkfield was hand-timed in the 40 in 4.19 seconds "? The pride of Canada's most populous province, running back Onterio McCalebb of Auburn, proved his combine time of 4.34 seconds was no fluke, clocking in at 4.29 at the Tigers' pro day Tuesday "? Michigan quarterback Devon Gardner, whom draftniks had already been eyeing for 2014, won his appeal for an additional year of eligibility. He probably won't come out now until 2015 ... The Cleveland Browns changed GM Mike Lombardi's title from VP of player personnel to GM, and named Ray Farmer as Lombardi's assistant GM.
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Suzanne Choney , NBC News ? ? ? 13 hrs.
New York state officials said Tuesday the DMV's use of facial recognition software for driver's licenses since 2010 has resulted in more than 2,500 arrests of those trying to steal someone else's identity or trying to get a second license.
"Through this program, we are successfully taking dangerous drivers off our roads, helping to track down criminals, and protecting taxpayer dollars ? sending a clear message that New York State does not tolerate identity fraud and those who try will be caught," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.
New York's DMV has investigated 13,000 possible cases of identity fraud using facial recognition, with 2,500 arrests resulting and "more than 5,000 individuals facing administrative action," according to the governor's office.
The DMV started using its facial recognition software to help identify persons who may have had their license suspended, but are trying to get another license, or who are trying to steal another person's identity. The system uses software algorithms to compare new photos taken at the DMV with existing photos in the agency's database. If there's an inexplicable match, then an investigation by "trained staff"ensues.
"This review includes new photos taken each day at the DMV, as well as approximately 20 million photographs already in DMV?s database," the state stays.
The sci-fi-like enhancement to the licensing process is not is not hailed by all. Watchdogs fear the license photo database being shared with law enforcement and other agencies.
"One potential problem, from a privacy standpoint, is the sharing of this facial recognition database with other governmental and non-governmental entities," Ginger McCall, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center's Open Government Project, told NBC News.
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security have already begun testing crowd-scanning facial recognition technology in stadium venues," she said.
"Pairing crowd-scanning technology with DMV facial recognition databases would allow for the wholesale surveillance of innocent Americans ? potentially tracking and databasing people's location and protected speech and associational behavior."
Among the DMV statistics, as analyzed by the University at Albany?s Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research, for people who had two or more licenses:
Approximately 50 percent of the subjects identified through facial recognition had one valid NYS license while having a second record that was suspended or revoked.
Approximately 20 percent of the subjects identified through facial recognition were suspended or revoked under every known record.
Approximately 30 percent of the subjects identified through facial recognition had multiple valid licenses.
Felony arrests that resulted from facial recognition included more than 100 people who had "active felony warrants" under one driver's license name, but set up a new state ID under an alternate name. "One of these subjects was a fugitive for 17 years after robbing a bank in Nassau County in 1993," the state noted.
Another case involved a man who was working as a school bus driver under one name, but who had "multiple open suspensions for unpaid tickets, as well as narcotics convictions and suspensions of his license privileges for narcotics transactions. The subject was arrested under multiple felony charges and is no longer operating a school bus."
New York is not the only state using facial recognition for driver's licenses; several are now. And no recognition system is foolproof. The ACLU warns about that concern in a recent blog where it noted that in 2011, there were at least 1,000 false reads by Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, "causing pretty substantial inconvenience to people accused of fraud by an imperfect computer program, and mucking up the system for everyone else."
Check out Technology, GadgetBox, TODAY Tech and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.
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>>> good evening. washington's unwillingness to compromise on matters of money is about to mean less money for a lot of americans who are tonight nervously watching their mail boxes for pink slips . we are barely 24 hours from the sequestration, the odd term used to describe the $85 billion in automatic spending cuts that swept across the federal government last evening with a swipe of president obama 's pen. effects will roll out over the next several weeks and range from parking war ships to furloughing potentially millions of workers whose livelihoods depend on government contracts . who is to blame? just follow the pointing fingers. there are lots of them. david gregory has new insight on the politics behind this. let's begin with kristen welker on the stalemate and its impact. good evening.
>> reporter: lester, good evening to you. the public's frustration is mounting tonight with all of washington for not doing more sooner. on the first full day of across-the-board spending cuts no negotiations just more finger pointing.
>> none of this is necessary. it's happening because republicans in congress chose this outcome over closing a single wasteful tax loophole that helps reduce the deficit.
>> reporter: house speaker john boehner home in ohio speaking to constituents and signaling that compromise is still far off.
>> as i told the president, once again yesterday, we all know what the problem is. we've got runway spending.
>> reporter: meanwhile, collective concern across the country from an army arsenal in huntsville, alabama where they're facing furloughs --
>> the sequestration will definitely affect my family.
>> reporter: to the grand canyon .
>> we're cutting travel. we're cutting training. we're reducing overtime.
>> reporter: and on the arizona border where agents could see their hours cut back.
>> cutting down the security of our nation i don't believe is the way to go at it.
>> reporter: the disruptions will be felt gradually, some furlough notifications already having gone out like at the department of justice , but the first cutbacks won't happen until april. the defense department will be hit hardest with 800,000 civilian workers bracing for furloughs. cuts to the faa could slow air travel and education occasions say as many as 70,000 children could be kicked off head start programs. but in some cases the fallout has already begun. one of the navy's warships the carrier truman is not going to the persian gulf . the air force 's world famous thunder birds have been grounded. hundreds of immigrants facing deportation have been released from prison. while polls show most americans will blame republicans, analysts say there is plenty of blame to go around.
>> right now we're stuck in a bad outcome for everybody. republicans don't get the entitlement cuts they want. democrats don't get the tax increases they want. the american people don't get the government or the economy they need.
>> reporter: now, lawmakers are hoping to work out a deal in the coming weeks to stave off the most serious cuts but, frankly, there is not a lot of hope that is going to happen and the next budget battle is looming at the end of this month.
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In this image taken from video filmed on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 and released Saturday evening, March 2, 2013, Syrian President Bashar Assad speaks during an interview with the Sunday Times, in Damascus, Syria. Iran and Syria condemned a U.S. plan to assist rebels fighting to topple Assad on Saturday and signaled the Syrian leader intends to stay in power at least until 2014 presidential elections. Assad told the Sunday Times in the interview timed to coincide with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's first foreign trip that "the intelligence, communication and financial assistance being provided is very lethal." Kerry announced on Thursday that the Obama administration was giving an additional $60 million in assistance to Syria's political opposition and would, for the first time, provide non-lethal aid directly to the rebels. (AP Photo/Sunday Times via AP video) THIS IMAGE IS FOR USE FOR 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS ONLY, SUNDAY TIMES LOGO MUST NOT BE OBSCURED, NO ARCHIVES, NO SALES /PLEASE CONTACT SUNDAY TIMES SYNDICATION DEPARTMENT BY EMAIL TO ENQUIRIES@NISYNDICATION.COM FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING USE OUTSIDE THE 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS WINDOW
In this image taken from video filmed on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 and released Saturday evening, March 2, 2013, Syrian President Bashar Assad speaks during an interview with the Sunday Times, in Damascus, Syria. Iran and Syria condemned a U.S. plan to assist rebels fighting to topple Assad on Saturday and signaled the Syrian leader intends to stay in power at least until 2014 presidential elections. Assad told the Sunday Times in the interview timed to coincide with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's first foreign trip that "the intelligence, communication and financial assistance being provided is very lethal." Kerry announced on Thursday that the Obama administration was giving an additional $60 million in assistance to Syria's political opposition and would, for the first time, provide non-lethal aid directly to the rebels. (AP Photo/Sunday Times via AP video) THIS IMAGE IS FOR USE FOR 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS ONLY, SUNDAY TIMES LOGO MUST NOT BE OBSCURED, NO ARCHIVES, NO SALES /PLEASE CONTACT SUNDAY TIMES SYNDICATION DEPARTMENT BY EMAIL TO ENQUIRIES@NISYNDICATION.COM FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING USE OUTSIDE THE 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS WINDOW
In this image taken from video filmed on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 and released Saturday evening, March 2, 2013, Syrian President Bashar Assad gestures while speaking during an interview with the Sunday Times, in Damascus, Syria. Iran and Syria condemned a U.S. plan to assist rebels fighting to topple Assad on Saturday and signaled the Syrian leader intends to stay in power at least until 2014 presidential elections. Assad told the Sunday Times in the interview timed to coincide with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's first foreign trip that "the intelligence, communication and financial assistance being provided is very lethal." Kerry announced on Thursday that the Obama administration was giving an additional $60 million in assistance to Syria's political opposition and would, for the first time, provide non-lethal aid directly to the rebels. (AP Photo/Sunday Times via AP video) THIS IMAGE IS FOR USE FOR 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS ONLY, SUNDAY TIMES LOGO MUST NOT BE OBSCURED, NO ARCHIVES, NO SALES /PLEASE CONTACT SUNDAY TIMES SYNDICATION DEPARTMENT BY EMAIL TO ENQUIRIES@NISYNDICATION.COM FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING USE OUTSIDE THE 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS WINDOW
In this image taken from video filmed on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 and released Saturday evening, March 2, 2013, Syrian President Bashar Assad gestures while speaking during an interview with the Sunday Times, in Damascus, Syria. Iran and Syria condemned a U.S. plan to assist rebels fighting to topple Assad on Saturday and signaled the Syrian leader intends to stay in power at least until 2014 presidential elections. Assad told the Sunday Times in the interview timed to coincide with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's first foreign trip that "the intelligence, communication and financial assistance being provided is very lethal." Kerry announced on Thursday that the Obama administration was giving an additional $60 million in assistance to Syria's political opposition and would, for the first time, provide non-lethal aid directly to the rebels. (AP Photo/Sunday Times via AP video) THIS IMAGE IS FOR USE FOR 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS ONLY, SUNDAY TIMES LOGO MUST NOT BE OBSCURED, NO ARCHIVES, NO SALES /PLEASE CONTACT SUNDAY TIMES SYNDICATION DEPARTMENT BY EMAIL TO ENQUIRIES@NISYNDICATION.COM FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING USE OUTSIDE THE 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS WINDOW
BEIRUT (AP) ? The chief of the Syrian National Coalition has, for the first time, visited rebel-held areas near the embattled city of Aleppo in northern Syria.
Aleppo, the nation's largest city, has been a major front in the nearly 2-year-old conflict. Government forces and rebels have been locked in a stalemate there since July.
Mouaz al-Khatib met Sunday with Syrians living in two suburbs of Aleppo that are controlled by the opposition.
A coalition statement says the goal of his trip to Manbah and Jarablus was to inspect the living conditions of residents there.
The opposition controls large swathes of land around Aleppo, and several areas within the city while the government maintains controls of others.
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